Disclaimer: I am writing this article just as a seeker, as someone who eventually developed that strong urge to explore beyond the physical world. I am not a follower of any particular spiritual ideology or Guru ji as such, though I respect them all.
I will share my experience of visiting Sadhguru’s Isha Yoga Centre and will try answering questions that seem to generally bother people – Is there really something Divine there? Will you automatically start meditating there for hours? Is there any undesired commercialization? etc.
The background
Rajeev Sharma and KK Sharma, two of the people dearest to me, knowingly or unknowingly triggered that first restlessness in me about spirituality about a year ago. Though their approaches towards meditation were relatively different, yet both seemed to eventually converge at the same point.
Spirituality, for most beginners, commences with the excitement of wanting to know the unknown. However, this mystic infatuation with meditation /spirituality lasts for a few days until one switches attention to something new and more exciting when the meditation just doesn’t seem to work despite one’s best efforts. Hence one very conveniently concludes, “Life is anyway short, just go with the flow and enjoy your pizza, mate!” I, and the people around me also probably thought that I would go down the same lane.
But I was wrong!
Here I was at Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev’s ashram, after a year of lengthy discussions, some deep digging into books/media and watching lots of videos related to this quest of ‘going beyond the physical world’.
Why Sadhguru?
As stated at the outset, I am not associated with any particular spiritual group/institution as such and I will probably be happy to keep it that way. But of all the people that I heard, read and saw on various platforms, I was drawn towards Sadhguru for what he spoke – every single word just made so much sense. And after going through a few books of Sadhguru, I decided to take a leap of faith, straight to Sadhguru’s ‘energy centre’.
Blessings at 36000 ft
About an hour or so on my flight to Coimbatore from New Delhi, just as I started to feel a little uncomfortable, I was shifted from standard seats to the ones adjacent to the emergency exit door (with relatively better leg room ) as all those seats were unoccupied and probably because I was the only one on the flight travelling alone. Then, I was the first to be served the wonderful corporate meal. Very small incidents, but since I was on a spiritual travel, I concluded, as I enjoyed my paneer wrap, that Sadhguru’s magic had begun.
The first few hours
“Namaskaram Anna!” These polite words welcomed me as I entered the beautiful premises of the Isha Yoga Centre, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev’s meditation centre at Coimbatore.
The people at the Help Desk at the main entrance were really very helpful and they quickly completed all the formalities and handed over an ID card which read ‘Nadhi’ (Cottage) beside my name.
On my way to my room at Nadhi cottage, I could feel the extremely soothing vibes as everyone there was so calm and smiling. After checking into my room, I immediately rushed through the map and the instruction leaflet which had information about the various activities that happen throughout the day at the centre.
Testing my luck
Soon after checking in, I was informed that it was Poornima (full moon night) that day and hence a special pooja was scheduled in the evening at the Linga Bhairavi temple in the premises.
I was really happy at the thought of participating in a special pooja that I had not even been aware of! “Sadhguru’s magic, Rahul, Sadhguru’s magic”, I whispered to myself.
And since everything seemed to be going so well that day, with utmost excitement I decided to ask the obvious question, “Will I meet Sadhguru? Will he be there?”
“No Anna,” said the guy at the help desk very politely, “Though Sadhguru is in the ashram today, yesterday only he met everyone at Satsang and since his diary is full of meetings/work assignments planned months ago, your meeting looks unlikely”.
I felt a bit sad. But since there were still three more days to go, I was still hopeful.
Amidst these thoughts, I headed straight to the Linga Bhairavi temple. Actually, when you reach Isha Yoga Centre, your eyes immediately begin searching for the two popular mystic energy spots – the Linga Bhairavi temple and of course, the energy powerhouse, the Dhyanalinga, located besides the latest attraction, the 112 ft Adiyogi statue (unveiled by the honorable Prime Minister in March 2017). One wishes to be in these spots as quickly as possible and preferably at all the three at the same time which, at least for now, is definitely beyond my capabilities (though with continued meditation, who knows)! Such was my excitement, having read so much about the mystic meditative energy around these spots.
Linga Bhairavi temple
Around 7 pm, on my way to the Linga Bhairavi temple for the special pooja , I passed by the Dhyanalinga. As so much was happening in my first hours at the centre, my thoughts almost froze and I was just witnessing everything, including the Dhyanlinga without any judgement or feeling, just kind of numbly, you can say.
As I reached the Linga Bhairavi temple, hundreds of shining ghee (clarified butter) lamps greeted me. It all looked so spectacular that I literally didn’t bat an eyelid for a few seconds. As everyone calmly sat down and took their positions, pooja and mantra chants began and I actually felt a rush of energy just sitting there.

Linga Bhairavi, in the words of Sadhguru, is an extremely powerful feminine energy form which is very responsive for people seeking prosperity and well-being. But there is a spiritual side to Linga Bhairavi Devi as well. As I learnt from various people at the ashram, those who find it difficult to meditate when sitting in front of the Dhyanalinga, are advised to first spend some time at the Linga Bhairavi temple as the energy there helps one to focus, and is especially beneficial during the very initial days of meditation.
The Dhyanalinga, in the words of Sadhguru, is the largest mercury based living linga (a form or symbol) in the world which is the centre of infinite energy. In spiritual terms, in the Dhyanalinga, all aspects of life have been woven in the form of seven chakras energized to their peak and locked by Sadhguru after three years of the intense process of prana prathistha.
The Dhyanalinga is enshrined in a dome shaped structure of earth colour and natural stone and is in fact considered to be the best spot to meditate by the ashram-ites, because the energy of the Dhyanlinga is said to naturally aid you in your dhyan (meditation).
So much has been said and written about the unbound energy around the Dhyanalinga that for many, including myself, the Dhyanalinga is the primary reason to visit Isha Yoga Centre, at least for the first visit.
Shiva is, as we know, among the most popular and widely worshiped Indian Gods. However, after digging into the origins of yoga and meditation, including some of Sadhguru’s writings, I learnt that in yogic culture, Shiva is not considered to be a God but the first yogi – the originator of yoga and the first guru (teacher) who experienced what we call ‘Enlightenment’ and Samadhi for the first time.
Hence, as a mark of respect and as a reminder to the world to move towards liberation through exploring the inner instead of the outer world, Sadhguru consecrated the 112 ft tall face of Adiyogi.
While I didn’t find anyone meditating in front of or around Adiyogi’s huge bust, there was hardly anyone visiting Isha Yoga Centre that did not spend 5-10 minutes in Adiyogi’s vicinity.
The Teerthakunds – Suryakund and Chandrakund
There are two Teerthakunds or sacred water pools for purifying oneself within the Dhyanalinga complex – Suryakund for men and Chandrakund for women.
I can obviously speak of the Suryakund only that I visited, which itself looks like a divine water pool with three Shivalingas immersed in water. Ideally, men are supposed to take a dip at the Suryakund before going for meditation at the Dhyanalinga or the Linga Bhairavi temple. On the first day, I went there just for the sake of adventure but because of the powerful energy that I felt there, I could not help but take the holy bath again and again, even just before check-out.
The strong presence of the king cobra

No matter where you are at Isha Yoga Centre or whatever direction you are facing, you can very strongly feel the presence of snakes (namely, king cobra) in various forms – be it representations on lamps, walls, pillars, at the Suryakund, or at the Dhyanalinga. On inquiring, I learnt that Sadhguru considers snakes, especially the king cobra to be the most sensitive animal/reptile when it comes to meditative energy. Sadhguru has also mentioned about this in his book Mystic’s Musings.
Besides, since the Velliangiri Hills, where the Isha Yoga Centre is situated, are reportedly home to king cobras, the original inhabitants, in a way, Sadhguru has paid tribute to them.
Luckily, I too spotted a beautiful water snake, swimming his way through the lotuses in the pond between the Nandi statue and the Suryakund.

My experience
First things first, of all the locations/energy spots at the Isha Yoga Centre mentioned above, for me the Linga Bhairavi temple definitely needs another mention as I spent the maximum amount of time there and not exactly by choice. I mean there is something really very magnetic there, something very soothing and very, very positive, that keeps pulling you and you just can’t resist going there.
Sitting right in front of Linga Bhairavi Devi, I could actually meditate for the longest time. More than the duration, it’s the feeling that engulfed me while meditating there. On the one hand, I was kind of blank, absolutely calm while at the very same time I could feel extreme joy and an unfamiliar sort of power within. Until my last day there, I could not get enough of meditation at the Linga Bhairavi temple. That mystic feeling is still with me.
As for the Dhyanalinga, I had read so much about it before going to Coimbatore that I had almost made up my mind in advance that as soon as I would sit near the Dhyanalinga, I would feel something out of the world, something really Divine. But honestly and unfortunately, I didn’t feel anything of that sort. Yes, the whole ambiance around the Dhyanalinga is very peaceful and calm with everyone sitting in sadhana completely in peace and I too went to sit there again and again, at least 8-9 times in three days, to have that out-of-the-world feeling that some people have written about online, but I was probably not fortunate enough. In fact, as I have mentioned above, I could feel strange energy goosebumps (giving a feeling of extreme joy) at the Linga Bhairavi temple and even while chanting mantras at the Suryakund, but not at the Dhyanalinga.
Finally to answer some common questions as promised at the start of the article:
- Is there really something Divine there? Divine I don’t know but yes, I felt an extreme rush of positive energy at some spots, especially at the Linga Bhairavi temple.
- Will you see something beyond the physical there? I myself didn’t see or feel anything of that sort.
- Will you automatically start meditating there for hours? The whole atmosphere at the Isha Yoga Centre is such that meditation is all that you think of while there.
- What exactly is taught at the Isha Yoga Centre? There are a number of yoga programmes of varied durations happening there. Primarily, introductory programmes include Inner Engineering and Hatha Yoga while advanced programmes include Shoonya Intensive, Bhava Spandana and Samyama. Details about these programmes are available here. I didn’t attend any programme as such but one can still participate in a number of activities even without attending any programme. Among the various things that I saw and learnt there, Aumkar meditation (the correct way of uttering the sounds “Aa” , “Uu” and “Mm” ) and the knowledge about the various scientific facts hidden in the Mahabharta are really worth mentioning. Besides, I am now addicted to the Nirvana Shatkam mantra and the Brahmanand Swaroopa Isha chant. They are mesmerising, really.
- Is there any undesired commercialization? No, not at all. This was one concern that a few people have written about online and in fact it was also bothering me. But I am happy to write here that there is no culture of commercialisation at Isha Yoga centre. No one asks you for donation anywhere, except for a mere Rs.20 at the Suryakund which I think is legitimate for the maintenance required there.
- Is it fine to travel with family? What about food? There are absolutely no issues here. It’s just that you go to such a place for a specific purpose, to spend maximum time meditating and hence kids can be a distraction, otherwise the stay is extremely safe and comfortable. You can book your stay at Nalanda or Nadhi cottages based on your requirement. As for the food, two meals a day are covered in your stay where you will be served simple and healthy South Indian food. For the compulsive foodies like myself, there is Peppervine Eatery within the premises which offers various delicious dishes / deserts / fresh fruit juices at a nominal price.

On a lighter note…
My three days were very well spent at the Isha Yoga Centre, although it would probably have been an altogether different experience had I met Sadhguru.
Nevertheless, many old questions were answered, some new ones started sprouting but a phone call at the time of check-out brought me back to square one. It was my lovely wife Nishtha. “Coimbatore’s silk sarees are world famous,” she said. I was supposed to understand the rest and act accordingly. Which I obviously did, to make sure that inner peace is maintained back home!
Read this and other articles in the LivingWise Project Digest – available as an ebook and a glossy coffee table magazine
See also: Winding through the Streets of Sanskardhani, Jabalpur
See also: 7 Amazing Shiva Chants/Songs
See also: Life is Inclusiveness – Sadhguru
Thank you Living Wise project for publishing my experience! Having been going through some other posts here at LWP and I found most of them as wonderful and enriching!
Thank you Living Wise project for publishing my experience!
I have been going through some other posts here at LWP and I found most of them as wonderful and enriching!
Keep going !
Thank you Rahul! LWP’s main aim is to give a voice to writers and seekers like you so that others may be inspired to also search for the Truth. It’s our way of adding some ‘Sattva’ to the world 🙂 Keep writing, would love to publish more from you!
true..there are 1000 things to tell about meditation including some mystic experiences (may be hallucinations)while at the very same time there is absolutely no need to tell any such thing because each one will
have his/her own journey..it really doesn’t matter to anybody else that what all
i go through when I sit for meditation because same may not be true for others…but through medium like LWP , I definitely want to make sure that as many people as possible should understand that all the hoolah around Meditation is not false..it really is everything! If situation permits, I would like to write or post a video of How not to mix mystics & Hallucinations during meditation!
Yes, I agree. Sometimes people tend to talk too much about these things and all it really does is encourage the mind to make up more stories. The point behind LWP however is to just be a platform for authentic information sharing because when there’s so much talking going on about nonsense stuff in the world, some about meditation, yoga, etc should also make its way to people’s social media pages 🙂 Interesting idea for post/video. Look forward to it!
Happy to be a part of your spiritual journey Rahul !