Category: <span>Devotion (Bhakti)</span>

Suffering of Devotees: Surrender Manifest

It is said that the Lord uses such willing vessels to teach others through their example. In their non-resistance to insult and injury, they show His greatness. Their humility reflects the compassion of the Lord. Their gentle equanimity is a reflection of the Lord’s own smile. Their lack of ill-will is a glimpse of His Love.

Ram Mandir: Through Tears of Sorrow & Bhakti

Rama as the Sun, ushers in the inner light of consciousness. In a country where Sanatana Dharma beautifully integrates the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’, the establishing of Rama’s presence in Ayodhya after 500 long years of struggle, is hopefully a sign of a civilisational awakening and a cultural renaissance that is long overdue.

‘My Master Sings Only for God’ – Story of Swami Haridas by Mooji

A beautiful paradox that true expression that touches the other most deeply is one where ‘the other’ was disregarded in the make. True creativity as an expression of Life comes from a freshness where no residue was left that was still open for a reaction – something of the old, a faded …

Krishna, the All That Is

Krishna is the most colourful incarnation – an irrepressible child, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, an astute statesman and a yogi of the highest order. sadhguru You might also like: Who is Krishna? Stressed-Out? Here’s 3 Lessons from a Bhagavad Gita Krishna Quotes – Bhagavad Gita Our Arjuna …

The Light of Rama and Ramayana

  In the whole of Rama’s realm there was no one who suffered from bodily pains, ill fortune or evil circumstances. Every man loved his neighbor and, contented with the state of life to which he had been born, conformed to sound morality and the teaching of scripture. The four …

Guru Purnima: Be a Light Unto Yourself

To the Universal Master– a dedication to my Gurus My Masteryou are my prefect mirrorYou play like Krishnabut really you are Shiva Your Love destroying all separationYour eyes shining with the Light of the UniverseYour form, Silence itself Words run outBut never Your GraceNever Your LoveNever You – to follow my Instagram …