Tag: <span>Yoga Vasishtha</span>

To Whom Should I Pray? (Meditation and Devotion – Yoga Vasishtha)

This infinite consciousness can be compared to the ultimate subatomic particle which yet hides within its heart the greatest of mountains. It encompasses the span of countless epochs, but it does not let go of a moment of time. It is subtler than the tip of a single strand of …

How to Act (Yoga Vasishtha)

In this beautiful excerpt from the Yoga Vasishtha, Sage Vasishtha explains to Sri Rama how the wise view action and what is meant by acting in a ‘detached’ way. The understanding of how the yogi is one who allows life to flow in its natural course according to the momentum already in place, is well explained here.

The Light of Rama and Ramayana

  In the whole of Rama’s realm there was no one who suffered from bodily pains, ill fortune or evil circumstances. Every man loved his neighbor and, contented with the state of life to which he had been born, conformed to sound morality and the teaching of scripture. The four …

Rama – It is Good

Whether one is wise or ignorant, as long as the body lasts, its functions continue unaltered according to its nature. And the embodied person functions as is appropriate in the world either attached or unattached. The difference between the two lies in the mental dispositions; in the case of the …