Category: <span>Living</span>

Krishna & Holi, Light & Colours

There is something within us that whispers, ‘choose me’. It is the voice of Light that has the potential to burst into a rainbow of colours. As we come upon Holi, the festival of colours, we also usher in the first month of the Hindu new year, Chaitra. The eve of Holi, Holika Dahan, is marked by a large bonfire where we surrender the past within us to the Light, to make way for the new. This is always a conscious choice, just as weeds grow wantonly but a flower needs deliberate planting.

Understanding Bharat in the Light of Sanatana Dharma

Whether we were born here or not, Bharat is an opportunity for all of humanity to witness through this civilization, how the ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ has the potential to beautifully integrate. Not because of concocted beliefs or some selfish desires of a group of exclusive people, but because of the universal movement of Life itself – through Sanatana Dharma. …We stand at an auspicious juncture as we correct narratives and understandings and move from ‘mythology’ to history, ‘religion’ to dharma, lies to the uncovering of truth.

Indian Rivers: More than just Water | A Wisdom Approach to Sustainability

‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’, a Sanskrit phrase repeated in many ancient Indian texts, translates as “the Earth is one family”. This recognises not only the unity of mankind, but of all living systems on the Earth.

HeartWords: mystic poems | Book now available

Very happy to announce that my new bookHeartWords: mystic poemsis now available to buy. I’m deeply humbled that this book has received blessings and beautiful words including a Foreword from Mooji, a spiritual teacher who has profoundly impacted my life since first coming in touch with his teachings in late …

‘My Master Sings Only for God’ – Story of Swami Haridas by Mooji

A beautiful paradox that true expression that touches the other most deeply is one where ‘the other’ was disregarded in the make. True creativity as an expression of Life comes from a freshness where no residue was left that was still open for a reaction – something of the old, a faded …

Tales of Ganga #1: Ma Ganga’s Children

Three hilltops huddled together a long time ago. To pay their respects like a devotee, to watch her beauty like a lover, to care for her like a parent. Looking up at these first adorers of Ma Ganga from this particular spot on her Rishikesh banks, it appeared as if this passage between the mountains led up to another world in the skies hidden by those surreal, swirling clouds…