The LivingWise Project


To Fight or Not to Fight? Krishna’s deeper message in the Bhagavad Gita

The Gita spends a considerable amount of time – the entire first chapter – ‘setting the scene’. Notably, this is in contrast to other important scriptures of similar gravitas like the Brahma Sutras or the Yoga Sutras which begin with rather abrupt statements announcing that the topic of the text will now be discussed; or the Upanishads which again, don’t consider it important to describe context or background. This in itself (even if it were not reinforced through the images of the battle scene printed on almost all book covers of the Gita we see in circulation today) indicates the importance of the context i.e. the scene of the battle. And immediately, as the outer battle scene is being described by Arjuna, the mirroring of the inner battle within him is highlighted. In my view, the Gita deliberately takes pains to draw attention to the example and metaphor of battle, to later, show the opposite of it or the transcendence of it and expatiate on the attainment of absolute peace.
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Bhagavad Gita and the Essence of Sanatana Dharma

Sanatana Dharma means the eternal law which is the basis of Existence itself. It is not something conjured up by the mind of a human being, but is the way that the cosmos functions. To be in tune with that movement and functioning is to follow Sanatana Dharma. To achieve this, myriads of methods and paths arose in Bharat and still exist today, reflecting the fact that each individual is unique, the way he seeks is unique and the way he perceives what he finds is also unique.
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India, Dharma & Sustainability

Some interesting data by the Global Footprint Network regarding the ecological footprint of countries in terms of ‘number of Earths shows that India is the only country within the G20 economies that is making do with the planet as it stands; the rest are all living as though we have the resources of more than one planet Earth available! The Earth can support natural human growth and progression but not psychologically dysfunctional consumption. The focus of sustainability should be an alignment of human lifestyles towards harmony with our environment - this is the essence of Dharma.
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River Stories Series for Children – “A Dip in the Ganga”

On the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Trittiya, I'm delighted to present a children's animation video that I had the pleasure of creating with Irene Nany...
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Bhakti & Jnana: the Bhakti schools of Vedanta

    The mind sees only parts and never the whole.     Both Shankaracharya and Ramanujacharya's Jayantis are celebrated on the same day (6...
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From Anxiety to Ease (Mind Management)

The true nature of mind is infinite.Truly, mind does not have any identity.When we hold personal views and stories,these cannot but bring sufferingbecause we are...
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Bringing the Mind to Rest (5 simple techniques)

From time to time, I receive requests from people to help them overcome anxiety or teach them meditation or yoga.So while my usual inclination is...
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Ganga, The Mother (short video)

"I come to you as a child to his mother.I come as an orphan to you, moist with love.I come without refuge to you, giver...
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Laughing Buddha: Reflections on Joy

A single understanding: “I am the One Awareness,” consumes all suffering in the fire of an instant. Be happy.Ashtavakra Gita   Kindness goes where logic...
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Yoga-Meditation for Balance & Harmony

Yoga is about attaining to absolute Balance, piercing Clarity and an inexhaustible Exuberance.With this, you are immensely fit for life.Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Namaste Dear Readers,Hope all are...
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I Am – a poem/meditation by Rupert Spira

Sharing a beautiful poem by non-duality teacher Rupert Spira called 'I Am'. The poem
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Ganga Waters Meditation: Bathing in the Sounds of Ganga

I recently spent some time in the holy town of Rishikesh. What a blessing to be in Ma Ganga's presence and feel her intimate connection with humanity. (...) In this audio/visual offering, you can sit back, relax and bathe in Ganga's pure waters without leaving your home. Your own meditation on Ganga's ghats...
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How Yoga and Meditation Can Help You Fight Depression

How to crawl out of the pit of depression using yoga and meditation as tools? These age-old practices help us to harness our mind and body energies for genuine well-being and happiness writes guest contributor Emily Lopes.
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Sirsasana – A Reflective Asana

Sirsasana (or headstand) is regarded as the King of Asanas in yoga. If one goes deeper into the asana one realises that it teaches us more than the ability to hold the body upside down - it teaches us about overcoming our fears and limitations.
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5 Reasons Why Yoga is Better than Gymming

Here's some reasons why you'd be better off replacing your gym work-out with a yoga class. This list of reasons excludes the simple fact that yoga has been recommended by wise sages and yogis for thousands of years, which in itself is a pretty hefty endorsement!
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3 Stress-Busting Pranayamas

Suffering from stress, tension and anxiety? Try these three pranayamas (breathing techniques) to restore calmness and peace of mind.
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Author Shares Her Personal Meditation Practice

Writer and mystic Mollie Player gives us a deep insight into her meditation practice starting from what she thinks is the best thing about meditation to her specific personal practice.
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5 Things Beginners Should Know About Meditation

Beginner at meditation and not sure if you're going in the right direction? Rahul Sharma shares some advice regarding common questions and expectations about meditation.
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Let it R.A.I.N.

Have you heard of the R.A.I.N. practice? Isabella Convertini describes this practice that is helpful in times when tumultuous emotions take over and it seems difficult to hold on to our inner peace. This practice is an easy way to navigate through the flood of emotions and stay centred.
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4 Paths of Yoga

A short and simple video explanation of the 4 paths of yoga (Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Kriya) and how the 4 need to come together for a person to become meditative. Video by the Isha Foundation.
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Ganga: The River of Heaven

Subhash Kak traces the course of the Ganga - from its descent from heaven to the rituals and traditions still associated with it in India today.
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Happy Yoga Day & Yoga for a Happy Day!

Did you know that yoga can change your genes and make you happier? And that's not just for 'Hindus'. LWP Founder shares the latest scientific information and reflects on yoga and its connection with religion.
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Mindfulness in Business

Yes MBAs and business leaders do meditate! Isabella Convertini, career coach, business strategy expert and mindfulness teacher at Google gives us an insight into what mindfulness is all about and her personal journey into it.
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About the blog & author

The LivingWise Project is a Wisdom + Wellness portal sharing knowledge from ancient wisdom traditions. The inner tools for self-discovery and true well-being are brought forward in a relatable way for our modern age.

To create a more conscious, compassionate and joyful society, the Project focuses on 3 main areas:

1. Consciousness: imparting knowledge and tools from yoga, Vedanta and other systems for raising human consciousness

2. Environment: raising awareness about the environment and ecological issues

3. Creativity: promoting creative expression to enhance the individual experience of life

For a practical application of wisdom in your life and work, you can now also book online sessions.


Ways to keep in touch:

  • Sign-up for the email newsletters: click here
  • email: contact (at)

Recent Posts

To Fight or Not to Fight? Krishna’s deeper message in the Bhagavad Gita

The Gita spends a considerable amount of time – the entire first chapter – ‘setting the scene’. Notably, this is in contrast to other important scriptures of similar gravitas like the Brahma Sutras or the Yoga Sutras which begin with rather abrupt statements announcing that the topic of the text will now be discussed; or the Upanishads which again, don’t consider it important to describe context or background. This in itself (even if it were not reinforced through the images of the battle scene printed on almost all book covers of the Gita we see in circulation today) indicates the importance of the context i.e. the scene of the battle. And immediately, as the outer battle scene is being described by Arjuna, the mirroring of the inner battle within him is highlighted. In my view, the Gita deliberately takes pains to draw attention to the example and metaphor of battle, to later, show the opposite of it or the transcendence of it and expatiate on the attainment of absolute peace.
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Bhagavad Gita and the Essence of Sanatana Dharma

Sanatana Dharma means the eternal law which is the basis of Existence itself. It is not something conjured up by the mind of a human being, but is the way that the cosmos functions. To be in tune with that movement and functioning is to follow Sanatana Dharma. To achieve this, myriads of methods and paths arose in Bharat and still exist today, reflecting the fact that each individual is unique, the way he seeks is unique and the way he perceives what he finds is also unique.
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Krishna Janmashtami: When the Infinite Walks the Earth

Those who follow the path of bhakti to the Saguna form of Brahman i.e. Brahman with attributes, will say that there is some intrinsic desire in the human being to know and feel the Infinite here, on Earth. To know the Infinite in form and present to our human experience.
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India, Dharma & Sustainability

Some interesting data by the Global Footprint Network regarding the ecological footprint of countries in terms of ‘number of Earths shows that India is the only country within the G20 economies that is making do with the planet as it stands; the rest are all living as though we have the resources of more than one planet Earth available! The Earth can support natural human growth and progression but not psychologically dysfunctional consumption. The focus of sustainability should be an alignment of human lifestyles towards harmony with our environment - this is the essence of Dharma.
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The Way of the Buddha: Four Noble Truths

“Surely he was the greatest man who ever lived. He never drew a breath for himself. Above all, he never claimed worship. He said, “Buddha is not a man, but a state. I have found the door. Enter, all of you!” – Swami Vivekananda
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Akshaya Tritiya: Shower of Grace

It is an unfair exchange with God. Perhaps that’s why they say, God is not for trading with. Keep your transactions out of it. But what if you do end up in such an exchange? It is bound to be unfair. You give a little, He will give a lot. This is in gist, what Akshaya Trittiya is about.
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Mukti & Bhakti

To those who worship Him, the Lord may grant mukti sometimes, but rarely bhakti. – Srimad Bhagvatam
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The Poetry Within, an Immersive Workshop

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Suffering of Devotees: Surrender Manifest

It is said that the Lord uses such willing vessels to teach others through their example. In their non-resistance to insult and injury, they show His greatness. Their humility reflects the compassion of the Lord. Their gentle equanimity is a reflection of the Lord’s own smile. Their lack of ill-will is a glimpse of His Love.
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Krishna & Holi, Light & Colours

There is something within us that whispers, ‘choose me’. It is the voice of Light that has the potential to burst into a rainbow of colours. As we come upon Holi, the festival of colours, we also usher in the first month of the Hindu new year, Chaitra. The eve of Holi, Holika Dahan, is marked by a large bonfire where we surrender the past within us to the Light, to make way for the new. This is always a conscious choice, just as weeds grow wantonly but a flower needs deliberate planting.
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Understanding Bharat in the Light of Sanatana Dharma

Whether we were born here or not, Bharat is an opportunity for all of humanity to witness through this civilization, how the ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ has the potential to beautifully integrate. Not because of concocted beliefs or some selfish desires of a group of exclusive people, but because of the universal movement of Life itself - through Sanatana Dharma. ...We stand at an auspicious juncture as we correct narratives and understandings and move from ‘mythology’ to history, ‘religion’ to dharma, lies to the uncovering of truth.
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Ram Mandir: Through Tears of Sorrow & Bhakti

Rama as the Sun, ushers in the inner light of consciousness. In a country where Sanatana Dharma beautifully integrates the 'inner' and 'outer', the establishing of Rama's presence in Ayodhya after 500 long years of struggle, is hopefully a sign of a civilisational awakening and a cultural renaissance that is long overdue.
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16 Names of Vishnu (Sri Vishnu Shodashnaama Stotram)

A beautiful rendition of the 16 names of Lord Vishnu, to be recited in the morning. The Stotra describes how Vishnu, the All Pervading One...
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Poet-Saints of Pandharpur (1): Tukaram

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River Stories Series for Children – “A Dip in the Ganga”

On the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Trittiya, I'm delighted to present a children's animation video that I had the pleasure of creating with Irene Nany...
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Meditative Devotional Offering for Sri Krishna

"You won't reach it without singing; if you don't sing, it's far. But when  you sing with deep feeling, God is right where you are!" - Kabir
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The Endless Song (Tiruvaymoli)

He is unique among those rich in understanding, but by His Grace I placed Him in my understanding to hold Him there, But even that...
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Bhakti & Jnana: the Bhakti schools of Vedanta

    The mind sees only parts and never the whole.     Both Shankaracharya and Ramanujacharya's Jayantis are celebrated on the same day (6...
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Saraswati /Essence: from mind to wisdom & flow

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Speaking of Saraswati (Wisdom Talk)

The one who graces with words that find harmony with the elements, with all of life singing sweet eternal melodies help bring that Sound to...
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Indian Rivers: More than just Water | A Wisdom Approach to Sustainability

‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’, a Sanskrit phrase repeated in many ancient Indian texts, translates as “the Earth is one family”. This recognises not only the unity of mankind, but of all living systems on the Earth.
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Reflections on ‘Truthful Living’

In the book I’m currently reading (these days for me reading means opening to random places as I feel inspired to!), Krishna: The Man and...
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Sri Dattatreya: the Avadhut’s Innocence

You are the ultimate Reality; have no doubt.The Self is not something known by the mind;The Self is the very one who knows!How, then, could...
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The Bhagavad Gita: Krishna’s exhale

"When one rises in awareness, one perceives that every atom, every particle is pervaded by Bhagavan in His formless state. However all this drama of...
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Krishna-Priya (Beloved of the Immortal) – poem reading

A new poem reading from the book 'HeartWords: mystic poems' by Shruti Bakshi. The poem is a selection from the Krishna poems, titled Krishna-Priya, the...
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From Anxiety to Ease (Mind Management)

The true nature of mind is infinite.Truly, mind does not have any identity.When we hold personal views and stories,these cannot but bring sufferingbecause we are...
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Shakti & the Gunas

Moving from tamasic nature to sattva means you are refining the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the energy body. If you...
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Ganesha: Being Intelligent with Life

In equanimity, we are aligned with the Intelligence of the Creator.
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Devotion in Human Form (Ode to my Mother)

The trouble with people who are your life Is that when they leave, they take your life with them…
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The Ways of Guru and Grace

The Master - a short poem Some say there is no Master in human form. To me, if there is a Master in human form,...
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Devotional poems (HeartWords/video)

A video with some poems from my book 'HeartWords: mystic poems' by dear friend Lucia Lagana. A joy and blessing to share this! Lucia's YouTube...
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Sthiram Sukham Asanam (the internal asana)

  Yoga is, as I can readily believe, the perfect and appropriate method of fusing body and mind together so that they form a unity...
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The Yoga of Words

The best words and any art seem to come from a churning that left no tangible trace but still, a knowing is shared in invisible ways that something was lost…and maybe something found.
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HeartWords: mystic poems | Book now available

Very happy to announce that my new bookHeartWords: mystic poemsis now available to buy. I'm deeply humbled that this book has received blessings and beautiful...
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