Category: <span>LivingWise Picks</span>

Ram Mandir: Through Tears of Sorrow & Bhakti

Rama as the Sun, ushers in the inner light of consciousness. In a country where Sanatana Dharma beautifully integrates the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’, the establishing of Rama’s presence in Ayodhya after 500 long years of struggle, is hopefully a sign of a civilisational awakening and a cultural renaissance that is long overdue.

Bringing the Mind to Rest (5 simple techniques)

Conflict and confusion is the nature of a mind that has lost connection to Source. Such a mind is desperate in its attempt to make sense of the world. The main themes running in such a mind are: ‘Time is running out.’ ‘What should I do?’ ‘I like X.’ ‘I …

Laughing Buddha: Reflections on Joy

A single understanding: “I am the One Awareness,” consumes all suffering in the fire of an instant. Be happy. Ashtavakra Gita Whenever you have the chance, laugh as much as you can. By this all the rigid knots in your body will be loosened. But to laugh superficially is not …

Yoga-Meditation for Balance & Harmony

Yoga is about attaining to absolute Balance, piercing Clarity and an inexhaustible Exuberance. With this, you are immensely fit for life. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Namaste Dear Readers, Hope all are living healthy, well and wise in these times of Covid. In light of the anxiety and health concerns in these times, I …

Ganga Waters Meditation: Bathing in the Sounds of Ganga

I recently spent some time in the holy town of Rishikesh. What a blessing to be in Ma Ganga’s presence and feel her intimate connection with humanity.
In this audio/visual offering, you can sit back, relax and bathe in Ganga’s pure waters without leaving your home. Your own meditation on Ganga’s ghats…