From Paris with ‘AUM’: my experience of the globalisation of yoga

From Paris with ‘AUM’: my experience of the globalisation of yoga

After 3 years in Paris, one is generally expected to be dripping with the smugness that comes from being able to correctly pronounce ‘Champs Elysees’, to rattle off a dozen cheese names without a pause, to wear simple dark t-shirts costing a small fortune and if one has lived sincerely, to even smell of macarons or similar at all times.

So it was quite queer for me to return from my Parisian stint instead with a deep appreciation for yoga and spirituality, especially as I was returning to the motherland of these things — India. Leaving for France with a love of ‘haute couture’, escargot and Edit Piaf, I came back with a collection of yoga pants, a vegetarian lifestyle and vedic chants on my phone. This phenomenon should not be mistaken for someone ‘returning to their roots’ because my previous life in India incorporated none of these new-found interests nor even hinted at their future emergence.

Read this article in the LivingWise Project Digest 



    1. Ah, nice to note another coincidence Scott (happily this one is outside the banking domain ;)). My favourite haunt during my stint as a Parisienne yogi was Yoga Village in Madeleine. Have to say most teachers treated it like gym class though. Good start for me nonetheless 🙂 Om Shanti

    1. You are most welcome,,In case you are planning to visit Sadhguru at Isha, try to confirm his availability in the aashram before booking( which is a very difficult task though) .Unfortunately, I could not meet /see him in person.(really wanted to experience vibes of an enlightened being )..also, check out dates for various yoga programs too..however , if you were to ask me , you need not enroll for any program in particular and just stay there for 3 days or so ..just observe…and Meditate of course ! Eventually ,that’s all which is gonna help you individually !!

  1. Ranjan has summarised the contents of my book Ten Sutras for a Great Life every well, nay perfectly! His quirky sense of humour, with which I and all of his friends are well acquainted, comes through in each line of the review. I am tempted to say, read the review, even if you don’t read the book, but why would I write a book if there is nobody to read it! So here’s the link to the book

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