Author: <span>Gayatri Iyer</span>

Art Beyond Aesthetics: the Spiritual Dimension of Natyashastra

The Natyashastra is an ancient encyclopedic treatise on the performing arts, composed by sage Bharat Muni (somewhere between 500 BCE – 500 CE). The ancient Indian view of art as expressed in the text, was much broader than mere aesthetics. Art was profoundly explored as a way to experience the Divine. Read on for a personal experiential account.

An Indian Paradigm of Coaching: ‘Yoga Sutras’ in Practical Action

A fascinating and insightful Q&A between Gayatri Iyer and Yogi coach Raghu Ananthanarayanan about how the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali can be applied to ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’. It is amazing to note how this ancient text provides an enlightened paradigm and methods to cultivate and manage a coach-coachee relationship. Read on to explore some timeless wisdom in practical action.