Author: <span>Nora von Ingersleben-Seip</span>

How to Survive – and Thrive – in a Startup

The start-up world is the latest attraction for young professionals but once they’re in, many struggle to cope with the heavy demands of long hours and tremendous agility and drive. Nora von Ingersleben-Seip gives an insider’s account of what it’s like to work at a start-up and ways to not only cope with its many challenges, but to also thrive in it.

A Sanctuary of Peace Atop a Bangkok Hill

Bangkok is truly a city that never sleeps. At all hours of the day and night, tuk tuks and bright pink taxis zip past street food stalls loaded with steaming pots of tom yum kung. Street sellers hawk their wares, ranging from illegal copies of blockbuster movies to counterfeit Nike sneakers. Wrinkly old women brew potions made of Chinese herbs in the city’s traditional pharmacies. Bangkok is modern and traditional, Asian and Western, all at the same time. There is a buzz and energy to the city that can be matched by few other metropolises. This has made the Thai capital into not only a favourite tourist destination, but also a hub for art and design that attracts creative minds from all over the world.


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