Category: <span>Yoga & Meditation</span>

“And now, yoga” ~ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: Introduction

For anyone serious about exploring yoga as a spiritual process, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is both an indispensable guidebook and an unparalleled repository of knowledge. In just 195 sutras or verses (each verse being usually a single line or couplet), Patanjali has said everything that can be said about yoga as …

The real purpose of meditation (what the apps don’t tell you)

Some of the truest words in our day are “there’s an app for that”. I recently discovered how comprehensively true this statement was when I searched for the word ‘meditation’ in my app store. In an earlier article, I talked about how meditation is not something you can learn because it …

Sadhguru’s Tips: Leave These Off Your Yoga Mat

You’ve probably heard enough about the psychological attitudes to inculcate as you start out on the yogic path (you can check out the articles on yoga and meditation on this site for some pointers too). You’ve heard over and over that as you roll out the yoga mat, you should leave aside your worries …