HeartWords: mystic poems | Book now available

HeartWords: mystic poems | Book now available

Very happy to announce that my new book
HeartWords: mystic poems
is now available to buy.

I’m deeply humbled that this book has received blessings and beautiful words including a Foreword from Mooji, a spiritual teacher who has profoundly impacted my life since first coming in touch with his teachings in late 2016. It was in that year that I made the major decision to move back to India from France and to take a break from my career in finance and explore more deeply inwardly.

If you don’t know Mooji, he’s one of the most extraordinary beings whose deep wisdom, love and universality touches people of all nationalities, religions and walks of life and whose life is in service to humanity in the highest way. It is a humbling privilege to have received his heartfelt support and encouragement to share this book with seekers of Truth everywhere.

HeartWords contains outpourings that were put down in verse or short prose mostly over 2019 (some, 2020). They are expressions of: Krishna’s love, devotion, the joy of Being, knowing of Shiva and on themes of universal love, life and freedom.

May these poems bring light, inspiration and upliftment especially in these challenging times. 

I hope you will read and share with friends.

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