Category: <span>Wisdom</span>

Shakti and the Dance of Discernment

O Mother, as Aruna, the crimson-coloured Goddess,Thou art like the light of morning’s rising sun to the lotus flowers symbolising the minds of gifted poets (helping their poesy to blossom forth).Therefore, those devoted ones who adore Thee become capable of delighting the minds of assemblies of literary connoisseurs with the …

Bringing the Mind to Rest (5 simple techniques)

Conflict and confusion is the nature of a mind that has lost connection to Source. Such a mind is desperate in its attempt to make sense of the world. The main themes running in such a mind are: ‘Time is running out.’ ‘What should I do?’ ‘I like X.’ ‘I …

‘My Master Sings Only for God’ – Story of Swami Haridas by Mooji

A beautiful paradox that true expression that touches the other most deeply is one where ‘the other’ was disregarded in the make. True creativity as an expression of Life comes from a freshness where no residue was left that was still open for a reaction – something of the old, a faded …

To Whom Should I Pray? (Meditation and Devotion – Yoga Vasishtha)

This infinite consciousness can be compared to the ultimate subatomic particle which yet hides within its heart the greatest of mountains. It encompasses the span of countless epochs, but it does not let go of a moment of time. It is subtler than the tip of a single strand of …

Shakti: Bringing Light to the Darkness

“Lord Shiva, only becomes ableto do creation in this world along with Shakti.Without her, even an inch he cannot move,and so how can one who does not do good deeds,or one who does not sing your praise,become adequate to worship youO Goddess of mine, who is worshipped by the Trinity”  Soundarya …

How to Act (Yoga Vasishtha)

In this beautiful excerpt from the Yoga Vasishtha, Sage Vasishtha explains to Sri Rama how the wise view action and what is meant by acting in a ‘detached’ way. The understanding of how the yogi is one who allows life to flow in its natural course according to the momentum already in place, is well explained here.

Krishna, the All That Is

Krishna is the most colourful incarnation – an irrepressible child, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, an astute statesman and a yogi of the highest order. sadhguru You might also like: Who is Krishna? Stressed-Out? Here’s 3 Lessons from a Bhagavad Gita Krishna Quotes – Bhagavad Gita Our Arjuna …