Category: <span>Yoga & Meditation</span>

Female to Feminine through the Vision of Yoga

As Yoga sees it, male and female are biological genders but masculine and feminine are energies that every individual carries. One may call it the head and heart or Yin and Yang. And so simply having a female leader does not mean that we have empowered the feminine because the female leader could even be more masculine in her approach than a male!

The Feminine expresses more evidently in art, aesthetics, emotion and spirituality. As an example, we may build a house using our masculine energy but it is our feminine energy that makes it a “home”.

The Eternal Kumbh – of Yoga, Maya and Mukti

Bharat and Sanatana Dharma is marked by stories that are eternally true. And not only that, stories that relate intimately to our experience as conscious beings on this planet. Being woven into the fabric of the land, these stories are ever present both physically outside us, as well as within. The story behind the Kumbh mela is such a one.

Unravelling the Deeper Meanings of Diwali

The spiritual traditions in Bharat include thousands of stories relating to events that happened over tens of thousands of years. However, these stories don’t intend to bind us or keep us stuck in history. They intend to show us how things happened (iti-h-aas), as is relevant for us presently. The beauty of Sanatana Dharma is that while the stories do relate to actual events, they also relate to subtle understandings and often metaphorically explain to us certain truths about our human condition and how to transcend ignorance.

India, Dharma & Sustainability

Some interesting data by the Global Footprint Network regarding the ecological footprint of countries in terms of ‘number of Earths shows that India is the only country within the G20 economies that is making do with the planet as it stands; the rest are all living as though we have the resources of more than one planet Earth available!

The Earth can support natural human growth and progression but not psychologically dysfunctional consumption.

The focus of sustainability should be an alignment of human lifestyles towards harmony with our environment – this is the essence of Dharma.

Understanding Bharat in the Light of Sanatana Dharma

Whether we were born here or not, Bharat is an opportunity for all of humanity to witness through this civilization, how the ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ has the potential to beautifully integrate. Not because of concocted beliefs or some selfish desires of a group of exclusive people, but because of the universal movement of Life itself – through Sanatana Dharma. …We stand at an auspicious juncture as we correct narratives and understandings and move from ‘mythology’ to history, ‘religion’ to dharma, lies to the uncovering of truth.